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Pencoed Primary School Working together for each and every child

New Report Format


Dear Parents,

Following the feedback we received from you in the parents’ questionnaire, we have been looking at ways to improve our communication, allowing you to have as much information about your child and the school as possible.

So far we have;

  • Updated our newsletters
  • Created a new website which holds much more information about the curriculum and ways you can help
  • Ensured consistency across classes and year groups with weekly learning letters for each class in the Foundation Phase (termly in KS2)
  • Trialled the messaging service through Class Dojo in Year 6
  • Held more parents’ information meetings e.g. Big Maths


I hope that you have found all of these improvements helpful. We are now looking at the way we share information about exactly how your child is doing and the progress they are making.  We want you to know what level your child is working towards and have a clear understanding of how you can help them further. We currently have two formal parent consultations per year, where each class teacher talks about how your child is performing in school. We also have a written report at the end of the year.  In addition to this, we want to increase the written information you have on your child. We are wanting to introduce reports on a termly basis so you feel you have a clearer idea of the progress your child is making throughout the year.


Suggested Proposal:

Autumn term

Spring term

Summer term

Parents Evening

Parents Evening


Initial Report issued to all pupils in October. This will have information on your child’s present level, the target we have set them to achieve by the end of the year and the average level for that aged child.

Interim Report. This will give you a mid-year progress report. It will let you know whether your child is “on track” to meet their target.

The End of Term Report will report on all subjects. It will also give you more information on your child’s attitude, behaviour and effort.



We hope that by issuing three reports, rather than one, you will have a much clearer idea of how well your child is doing at key points throughout the year. I have attached a DRAFT of each report for reference. We welcome any feedback you may have on this proposed change. Please contact the school office if you have any questions or would like to have further information. We will also be holding a parents meeting, where you will be able to ask any questions / give your ideas and suggestions. This will be on Tuesday January 27th in the hall at 3:40pm. Tea and coffee will be provided.

Many thanks for your on-going support.
