We began our most recent curriculum journey with the introduction of the new Curriculum for Wales, this meant that we had to look at the how, what and why of our schools curriculum. One of the first steps that we took was to establish our LLC (Language, Literacy and Communication) vision, from this we decided that one of the key things we wanted to do was to improve our pupils' higher level vocabulary knowledge - this is where we came across Spelling Shed.
Spelling Shed has enabled us to develop a school-wide approach to teaching spelling in a unique way that is specifically tailored to our school community. For example, we have mapped the scheme with our phonics provision in lower school and work in free flowing ‘stage not age’ groups in our middle and upper schools to ensure all children receive targeted intervention if needed. In doing so, we are following one of the key aims of the new Curriculum for Wales - supporting learners to make their own individual steps of progress.
Overall, Spelling Shed’s ease of use, resources and engaging game play has had a positive impact in our school. For a child’s viewpoint have a quick read of the quotes below:
“I love the fact that the games are very interactive but you still learn how to spell tricky words and in our weekly lessons we get to work more independently” - Year 6 Child
“It really helps me because I get to learn in a fun way, get to play games with other people and if I get something wrong, I now know spelling tricks to help me” - Year 5 Child
“The games are really fun but educational too, and I enjoy the lessons too! - “I think EdShed is good because I don’t get bored and in spelling lessons we get to clap syllables!” - Year 4 Children
“I love how I join hives and play games and also have fun spelling different kinds of words and the lessons are fun, exciting and calm too!” - Year 3 Child
‘I like getting lots of honeycombs and playing games too’ ‘I love learning new new words with my teacher’ - Year 2 Children