Home Page

Pencoed Primary School Working together for each and every child

Staying Connected



We update our website regularly and we hope you'll find it helpful in answering any general questions or queries you may have. You can access a range of school policies and read our prospectus. We also link a range of school documentation such as our monthly newsletters and school improvement documentation.


How do we communicate and share information with our parents/carers? 

  • Class Dojo - This remains our number one platform for sharing key information with our families. Please remember to check your child's 'Class Story' page for updates specifically related to your child's class, and check 'School Story' for more general updates. Please note: Although staff can send outward messages to parents/carers they are no longer accessing incoming messages, (this does not include the ALN staff, Mrs King, Mrs Ryall-Friend & Mrs Patrick), therefore see the information below about how to share informtion with us. 

  • School Comms - The School Comms Gateway app is also used to help share information about upcoming events which require payment/consent. If you need help to download this app, please contact the office staff who will be happy to assist with this. 

  • Email - Some information is also shared via email from the school's admin address. Please ensure that we have an up to date email address on record for you. 


How can our parents/carers communicate and share information with us?

  • School office telephone: 01656 815730

  • School office email: - 

Use this email address for the following:

-To report your child's absence

-To let us know about changes to end of the day pick up arrangements

-To inform us of an upcoming medical appointment

-Any admin related queries including trips/events/dinner money balances etc


  • School contact email: - use this email if you have a specific query or need to share information with your child's class teacher. Please remember to include your child's name and class, along with any details you wish to be passed on. This address is monitored by the headship team. 
