ECO News
Spring Term 2015
We have completed some of our targets on our action plan which we will share with you. If you have any ideas or related issues then please see one of the ECO Committee. We have displayed ‘Do Not Drop Litter’ signs, carried out a litter survey and a litter pick. We have created and placed stickers on the light switches to tell you what lights you can put on. We are also doing the ‘Golden Light Bulb Award’ and we will collect them on a Friday.
We will need extra help to fill the planters with soil and dig the garden over in front of the Year 5 classes. If you can help see Mr Lambert.
‘Fairtrade Fortnight’ starts on February 23rd. There will be a Fairtrade shop in the hall. Big Pedal starts for all KS2 pupils on Monday 2nd March. On Tuesday March 3rd we will be assessed for our ECO Platinum Award.