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Pencoed Primary School Working together for each and every child

Parents Questionnaire

Many thanks for the responses to the Parents Questionnaire. The results are overwhelmingly positive, with nearly all responses recognising and acknowledging the good work of the school. All staff have looked at the results and formulated plans to further improve aspects of our provision following your feedback. These plans include:

  • Sharing information when children are given additional support – A provision template is in the process of being designed that will outline the wide range of support on offer to pupils of all abilities.
  • Understanding the school’s policies for dealing with complaints – This will be issued shortly via a letter and will be added to the school website.
  • A review of pupil participation and citizenship to ensure pupils are taking full responsibility for themselves and others.


As always, if there are any specific issues or comments you have, regarding any area of the school, please see either myself or Mr. Lambert. A full copy of the responses can be found using the news link above.


Many thanks once again for your continued support and cooperation. Your views are vital in ensuring we continue to improve all aspects of school life for every pupil.
