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Pencoed Primary School Working together for each and every child

Welcome Back!

Welcome back everyone!

It was lovely to see so many happy, smiling faces on the first day of the new term. I hope everyone had a really enjoyable summer break. All of the children were really calm and settled this morning and seemed to get the hang of the new routines straight away.

All classes will be sending out newsletters at the end of the week to give you information about the new topics etc. the children will be learning this term. If you do have any questions, please ask your child’s class teacher who will be happy to help. I will also be sending out a general newsletter on Friday to update you of some key dates for the term ahead.

As you may be aware, Mr. Lambert is not taking a class this year as he has additional whole school responsibilities. He will be in the Year 3/4/5 yard every morning and after school if you need to see him for any reason. Alternatively, you can phone the school and they can put you through to him. He is continuing to take responsibility for attendance throughout the school, which we are continuing to focus on.

Mr. Raymond, our assistant head will be in the Year 2/6 yard every morning and after school. You can also speak to him if you have any queries / questions.

I hope that as Mr. Lambert and Mr. Raymond and I will all be out and about, there will always be someone you can speak to if you have any questions, queries or concerns.

We already had 2 inset days planned. These are for Monday 22nd September and Friday 10th October. On both of these days all of the staff are receiving training which will further improve the provision for the pupils.

We have also set the date for Parent’s Evening this term. Monday 10th November will be Parents’ Evening for pupils in Reception, Years 3 and 4. Tuesday 11th November will be Parents’ Evening for Years 1, 2, 5 and 6. More information will be given closer to the time. If you do have any concerns about your child’s progress, please feel free to speak to your child’s class teacher before this time.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Suzanne Sarjeant
